Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2013

Something a bit out there...

I believe this is my first post in 2013, so Happy (a bit late) New Year! I'm hoping to start making a few more things this year (that's if I stick to my New Years Resolutions) so should be doing some more posts like this, as well as some more outfit posts. I've added a couple of new pages to the site - an About Me section (feel free to read it if you want) and a page called 'An outfit a day'. This is more for my personal use to look back on but feel free to check it out every now and again. 
Back to today, and I've made something! This is actually for part of my textiles coursework at school but I thought I'd show you to see what you all think of it. I had to do a critical response based on Alexander McQueen. The photos below show the designs which I used as inspiration for my response. I made the dress using some old skirt fabric as a lining (not sure where this came from - it was on my bedroom floor!), and some lace which originally came from an old curtain. I then created ruffles and gathers to create the final dress. I'm also wearing a wide black belt I've had for years. 



What do you all think?

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